Monday, February 7, 2011

Did You Know? NFL Player's Tragic Death Gives Life to Pulmonary Fibrosis Patient

As football season wraps up, and the post-Super Bowl hype dies down, it seems an opportune time to write about Chris Henry, former Cincinnati Bengals receiver who died in late 2009 following a fall from the back of a pick up truck.

The only treatment for Pulmonary Fibrosis is a lung transplant, and Chris' untimely and tragic death enabled Pulmonary Fibrosis patient Tom Elliott to receive a life-saving transplant. Chris' mother's brave decision to donate her son's organs saved Tom's life and the lives of two other organ recipients.

With further funding and research, scientists can find a cure for Pulmonary Fibrosis -- a cure that doesn't require one person to lose their life in order to save another.

Watch the CBS Sports special on Chris and his organ recipients.
Read more about Tom Elliott's Pulmonary Fibrosis experience.

Use the buttons below to share this blog post with your football friends to help raise awareness about Pulmonary Fibrosis or drown me in donations for my Swim to Breathe fund raising campaign.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog. My dad was just diagnosed with IPF on Friday. He's 68 years old and we are hoping he will be with us for many more years to come. Did your dad qualify for a lung transplant?
